First Fur-Free shopping street in Europe!

The International Anti-Fur Coalition thanks and congratulates Dutch animal protection organisation Bont voor Dieren and the 19 shop owners on the Hartenstraat in Amsterdam, Holland, who working together and with the encouragement of the Amsterdam municipality have officially declared Hartenstraat (which translates as ‘Heartstreet’)to be the first Fur-Free shopping street in Europe. The official “Fur-free shopping street” sign was unveiled on June 21 at 11.00 AM by Laurens Ivens, alderman of Animal Welfare in Amsterdam, and Dutch actress Georgina Verbaan.
Though a number of designers brands sold on the street had previously gone fur-free there were also shops that had been still selling animal fur items, such as mink, rabbit and fox. That an animal rights organization, shop owners and a municipality can come together in the realization that the barbaric and cruel fur industry has no place in an evolved civilized society is hope that ethical change is indeed achievable.
Image by: "Bont voor Dieren"